Tuesday, August 6, 2013

If you make the mess......

Is it really so hard to get this concept? Apparently it is! But hopefully this will help! My children are very visual learners so I can tell them how to do something over and over but it won't click! They will stand there with a blank look on their face until you show them how to do it. The same goes for asking them to pick up their own messes. You can tell them that when they are done with something they need to put it back but they sure won't remember until you are right there with them telling them to do it. So back when there was still snow on the ground(you know, back in May) I took this photo with those words in mind to go on it. I printed 4 of them and posted one in each of their rooms, one in the living room, and one in the dinning room(all areas they have toys or bring toys to). After just a few days of pointing them to this they started to get it. And now that it has been a few months I can honestly say that they are doing great!! Yes I still have to remind them from time to time, but they are doing so much better at remembering to pick up and put away their toys and its starting to work in other areas as well. So please if you are looking for a way to help teach your kids to pick up after themselves print this and post it in your home. Good luck! 

Friday, August 2, 2013


My favorite spot in our Minot AFB home is right here. You can't tell but this is our living room and I'm laying on the couch reading a book. The living room itself isn't my favorite spot as it seems to always be busy and almost always messy and loud. But seeing this view when all else is quiet and to feel the cool summer breeze, hear the birds chirping, and that beautiful sky! This, this is Peace, this is pure Joy, this is what I think God intended for us to experience in our homes.
In the summers this view is either completely clear of clouds and just the perfect blue or it has amazing cloud formations some of which also come with wonderful lightning shows. In fall the breeze is much cooler but just as peaceful. Seeing the leaves float past the window and hearing them crunch under the feet of families passing by is one experience I will never forget. Then comes winter with its white snow falling. Sometimes the snow falls peacefully and if you watch closely you will find a few flakes on the window to examine. But other times it falls with such fierceness you just watch in amazement. No, the windows are not open during winter but that's fine because at that point you love feeling all warm and cozy in your home. Some days are dark and cloudy but from this spot it still looks peaceful. Then comes the spring; the sun that melts the snow feels delightful shining in, and the fresh air is crisp but much needed in the home that has been locked up all winter. The rains that falls brings a renewed hope; winter has ended and things are being made new.

Good Morning!

I've never been a big coffee drinker but in the last few weeks I just can't get moving without it. Part of why I don't normally drink it is because I am very picky about the flavor. I don't want to actually taste the coffee, I don't like that part! So since I have been "needing" it, I'm working on finding what creamers I like. This one is a Caramel Drizzle Coffee K-Cup with Peppermint Mocha creamer. In most areas this creamer is only sold at Christmas time(that could be why I drink so much more coffee during that season) but I finally found it in a new store out here and I am hoping to learn how to make it myself so I can have it all the time! Anyone ever made it before? Do you drink coffee everyday?

Have a blessed Friday!